General Cleaning

General Cleaning in Abu Dhabi

Whether you’re a tenant, a landlord or a property manager, we have a team of experienced cleaners to provide reliable and best quality cleaning solutions as per your requirements. Our range of cleaning services includes

Regular Cleaning: We offer regular cleaning services by dusting, vacuuming and mopping floors and other surfaces and removing of any visible dirt or debris.
Deep cleaning: Our team of professional cleaners is proficient to perform deep cleaning services to remove dirt, grime and debris buildup through comprehensive and detailed approach to ‎ ensure a truly deep and thorough cleaning.
Floor Cleaning and Polishing: Neon Environment Services have plenty of experience in cleaning and polishing of all types of floor surfaces such as concrete, marble etc. We use specialized cleaning techniques and products that are safe for your floors, ensuring a thorough ‎clean without causing any damage.
Carpet Cleaning and Shampooing: we offer carpet cleaning services to improve the appearance and cleanliness of carpets. We use only high-quality cleaning products and tools to clean your carpets.
Trusted by over 10K+ satisfied customers

Our specialist team can provide one time, daily, weekly, quarterly, bi-annual or annual services based on your requirements.

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
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