About Us

About Neon Environment Services

Your Trusted Facility Management Partner in Abu Dhabi

Neon Environment Services ‎is a Facility Management company established in 2007 providing diverse range of cleaning and pest control services to commercial, industrial and residential properties. Our experienced and skilled team of experts uses most up-to-date equipment and technologies along with industry best practices and international standards and a visionary management are able to add value to our customers and deliver highest quality services. Neon Environment Services ‎is Integrated Management System certified company i.e. ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, & ISO 45001:2018 which upholds our persistent commitment to deliver high quality, safe and environment friendly services.

Neon Environment Services ‎offers environmental services such as :

General Pest Control Services
General Cleaning
External Glass Cleaning
Floor Polishing and Grinding
AC Duct Cleaning & Sanitisation
Kitchen Hood Cleaning
SSCEC Inspections
Ship Pest Control
Responsible and Professional

Our Mission

We are determined to provide best quality pest control and cleaning services by serving the community and the environment in a responsible and professional manners.

Customer #1 Choice

Our Vision

Neon Environment Services aims to become the leading company by providing the best solutions and latest technology to our customers and being the customer #1 choice in for environmental solutions.

Every Detail,
Seamlessly Managed

We are using international standards, industry best practices, and our own experience to deliver effective solutions and provide successful services.

Why Choose Neon Environment Services?

Our products and services are dedicated to preserving the environment for a greener, eco-friendly tomorrow in the UAE. Our employees are our most valued assets, sharing in our mission’s responsibility. We prioritize safety, adhering to municipal regulations in all our work, and exclusively use MOCCAE and Municipality approved eco-friendly pesticides and cleaning agents for our services. We offer a comprehensive range of residential cleaning and pest control services to meet your specific needs, from deep cleaning carpets and upholstery to eliminating bed bugs, termites, and other pests.

Highly trained and skilled professional team
Budget-friendly rates: The most competitive prices available
Environmentally conscious pest control and cleaning solutions
Supervision by industry experts
Trusted by over 10K+ satisfied customers

#1 Trusted Cleaning Company and Pest Control In Abu Dhabi

The leading cleaning company in Abu Dhabi, offering a variety of cleaning and pest control services at the best rates. We offer a comprehensive range of cleaning services in Abu Dhabi for domestic and commercial purposes.

1 +
Satisfied clients
We are very happy to serve them!
1 +
Completed projects
We have done many projects.
1 %
Success rate
We are alert to be successful!
1 +
Activate members
We have an expert team.
Testimonials | Reviews

What Our Clients Say

Meet Our Clients

We take pride in having assisted over 10k+ clients with 100% client satisfaction and 4.5 Google rating.

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(10am - 05 pm)
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